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Selecting a Pharmaceutical Company from Northeast Asia for Investment - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Ho-Young Lee; James Russell Shaw Jr.;Moon-Kyung Cho;
出版日期:2012/09/17內容長度:16 頁

Teaching note for product 9B12B024.

Selecting a Pharmaceutical Company from Northeast Asia for Investment
作者姓名:Ho-Young Lee; James Russell Shaw Jr.;Moon-Kyung Cho;
商品類型:Case (Library)商品編號:9B12B024
出版日期:2012/09/17內容長度:8 頁

Joe Clift, a co-founder and managing partner of private equity firm Blacksmith Partners LLC in New York, managed his company's emerging market funds for several industries. He planned to add one company from Northeast Asia to generate growth in his pharmaceutical industry portfolio, and had focused on three outstanding pharmaceutical companies: Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. from Japan, Dong-A Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. from Korea, and Sinovac .....more